Public International Law

By MAHABT Courses Categories: Law
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The security of which we speak is to be attained by the development of international law through an international organization based on the principles of law and justice.

Ludwig Quidde

 Do you know what is called the Law of Nation? The Law of Nations, also known as public international law, is a body of laws which governs the relations between states and countries.

This Public International Law course will set you up for employment within public international law, such as diplomacy or public relations. It will also assist you if you already work within this sector in taking on a more senior role. Through this Public International Law course, you will gain a thorough understanding of public international law and its implications on global affairs. International law is an integral part of the global community, and this Public International Law course will equip you with the necessary skills to better understand and navigate it. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the structure and sources of public international law, as well as the impact of its application in different countries and contexts. You will learn about the principles and rules of international law, as well as the different stakeholders involved in its implementation.

This Public International Law course has been broken down into 9 modules that each focus on a different key aspect of Public International Law. The Public International Law course aims to provide students with knowledge of the industry and the skills necessary to advance their careers in this field. You will be equipped with the necessary proficiency for Public International Law once you have successfully completed the training.

If you are interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of Public International Law . you should enrol in our Public International Law course.

Module 1: Introduction to Public International Law

  • What is PIL 
  • Why do we need PIL?
  • Classification of International Law
  • Perception of international law
  • Soft law and compliance
  • What is “soft law?” 
  • To what extent is international law proactive?
  • The relationship between national and international law

Module 2: Foundation of Internationals Law

  • Nature, Origin and Historical development of International law
  • Theory as to Basis of international Law
  • Natural Law Theory
  • Positive Law Theory
  • Grotian Theory of Basis of International Law
  • Consent Theory of Basis of International Law
  • Auto Limitation Theory of Basis of International Law
  • Pacta Sunt Servanda
  • Theory of Fundamental Rights
  • Legal Positivism
  • International sanctions

Module 3: Sources Of International Law

  • Formal and Material sources of Law
  • Treaties
  • Customary international law
  • General principles of international law
  • Judicial decisions and juristic writings

Module 4: Relationship between international law and Municipal law

  • Theories
  • Monistic Theory: Kelsen’s Grund norm theory
  • Dualist Theory:
  • The Theory of Consent (Common Theory)
  • Incorporation theory
  • Application of International Law In The Municipal Sphere
  • International tribunal and operation of Municipal law
  • International and domestic law

Module 5: Basic Principle of international law

  • Subjects of international law
  • The application of international law 
  • Violations of international law

Module 6: Subject of International law

  • States as the principal subject of international law 
  • The establishment of states
  • Recognition
  • The responsibility of states
  • Jurisdiction
  • Nonstate actors in international law
  • International organisations
  • Current trends
  • Association and grouping of state 
  • Unequal and equal Associations of States
  • Unorganised and organised.
  • Personal and Real Unions.
  • International Administrative Unions.
  • Confederations.
  • The League of Nations.
  • The United Nations.
  • International Person 
  • Neutralised state 
  • Individuals as a subject of international law 
  • The Positivism View of the Law and Individuals

Module 7: Recognition

  • Recognition of states and government
  • Various Facets of Acknowledgement
  • Recognition of State
  • Recognition of Government
  • Legal Consequences Resulting From Recognition
  • Recognition De jure and De facto
  • De facto Recognition
  • De jure Recognition

Module 8: State Territory

  • Element of state territory
  • Mode of acquisition and losing of state territory
  • Loss Of State Territory
  • The concept of sovereignty in relation to international law
  • Nonsovereign states
  • Divided sovereignty
  • International Rivers and their Legal regimes

Module 9: Nationality

  • Definition and Meaning
  • Principal perspectives on the subject of Nationality
  • The Theory of Active Nationality
  • The doctrine of passive nationality
  • Statelessness
  • International importance of nationality
  • Mode of acquisition and losing of nationality (International Law)
  • Mode of acquisition
  • Mode of losing of nationality

Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Public International Law

  • Introduction to Public International Law

Module 2: Foundation of Internationals Law

Module 3: Sources Of International Law

Module 4: Relationship between International law and Municipal law

Module 5: Basic Principle of international law

Module 6: Subject of International law

Module 7: Recognition

Module 8: State Territory

Module 9: Nationality

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