Complete Proofreading

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About Course

The Proofreading course provides learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to proofread written material effectively. The course covers various methods of proofreading and introduces learners to the writing process, from writing sentences to developing a writing style. Learners will study the key aspects of proofreading, including how to keep out of awkward sentences, create sentence variety, and elaborate on paragraphs. They will also learn how to make use of transitions and modifiers to improve the flow and readability of written material.

The course also covers important grammar and punctuation rules, such as ensuring that subjects and verbs agree and that nouns and pronouns agree. Learners will also gain knowledge of how to turn passive verbs into active verbs and how to check spelling and capitalization. The course is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their proofreading skills, including writers, editors, and professionals who need to produce written material as part of their job. The course is also useful for students who want to improve their academic writing skills.

Course Content

Module 1: Introduction

  • Introduction

Module 2: Who does the proofreading?

Module 3: Various methods of proofreading

Module 4: Proofreading Skills

Module 5: Getting to Know the Writing Process

Module 6: Writing Sentences

Module 7: Keeping Out of awkward Sentences

Module 8: Sentence Variety Creation

Module 9: Paragraph elaboration

Module 10: Making Use of Transitions

Module 11: Developing a Writing Style

Module 12: Turning Passive Verbs into Active Verbs

Module 13: Ensure that the subjects and verbs agree

Module 14: Ensure that nouns and pronouns agree

Module 15: Making Use of Modifiers

Module 16: Checking Spelling and Capitalization

Module 17: Punctuating Sentences

Module 18: Using Commas

Module 19: Using Semicolons and Colons

Module 20: Plurals and Possessives with Apostrophes

Module 21: Quotation Marks: When to Use Them

Module 22: How to use Ellipses, Hyphens, and Diacritical Marks

Module 23: Identifying and Correcting Misunderstood Terms and Cliches

Module 24: The Top Ten Tips for Becoming a Great Proofreader

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